Based on Schnitzler's
(click image to play)
(16-minutes; 2-day film-shoot)
for which I was a Finalist. I then produced and filmed it myself (the first Stevedore Production) as a demo to garner interest in my screenplays: it landed me an option to direct my first feature.
Filmed over a weekend in a Downtown Los Angeles apartment, with a visible skyline in an attempt to create a New York City vibe.
We got a little more grit than expected: across the street from our location (with some crew and my cinematographer outside filming through an open window), a shootout in MacArthur Park, at two in the morning (...seriously...), sent the entire cast and crew diving for cover. My clear-thinking line-producer, lying on the sidewalk under a payphone, reached up, called the cops, and once sirens were heard, I gave the all clear for shooting (, that is...) to resume.